Rivermoor Tee Times

Rivermoor 10/01, start time 09:16 AM.  Cost is $25.00 walking, and $35.00 riding, and $2.00 for skins paid to me in the clubhouse.  Rivermoor does things a little different with the carts, so you will pay me this time for that and we will square up with Rivermoor after the round.

We will be playing from the Gold tees.

Format this time is 1/2/3 waltz. First hole best net, second hole 2 best nets, 3rd hole 3 best net, rinse and repeat. You are playing with your team members.

Handicaps will be pulled Friday 09/29. And of course, have fun.

Hole Events:

A Flight (18 and under)

Closet in 3 - Hole 3

Closest in 1 - Hole 13

Closest in 2 - Hole 9

B Flight (19 and over)

Closest in 3 - Hole 15

Closest in 1 - Hole 5

Closest in 2 - Hole 12

18 Longest Putt - Everyone

Tee Times (I am guessing on the carts based on previous events)

Hole Events:

A Flight (18 and under)

Closet in 3 - Hole 3

Closest in 1 - Hole 13

Closest in 2 - Hole 9

B Flight (19 and over)

Closest in 3 - Hole 15

Closest in 1 - Hole 5

Closest in 2 - Hole 12

18 Longest Putt - Everyone

Tee Times (I am guessing on the carts based on previous events)


Cary Schmidt

Gerry Loga (cart)

Dale Somers

Glen Edman


Dan Carlson (cart)

John Lange

Brian Mckinley

Mark Thiry


John Haeflinger

Chris Chistianson

Joe Stray

Tim Windler


John Franckowiak (cart)

Candy Espinoza (cart)

Joe Kubacki

Jack Walfoort


Mike Tomsevics (cart)

Mark Boals (cart)

Mike Bremmer (cart)



Paul Jonas

Russ Jankowski

Jeremy Zuvich

Ken Lauffer (cart)


Larry Kleineider (cart)

Jerry Barbian

Bob Gerszewski (cart)

John Becker (cart)


Augie G. (cart)

Ross Hartung (cart)

Gary Nelson (cart)



Mike Colloton

Erik Bronson

Doug Wruck (cart)

Mark Olen (cart)