Hole In One!
Congratulations to Joe Stray, who made a hole-in-one at Ives Grove on the 17th hole on 9/8/2024!

18th Hole Drop Area
With the new 18th hole parking lot for the golf carts and matches and events starting we spoke with Mike in the clubhouse for a solution in case a ball ends up on the parking lot and rolling away.
There will be a small area marked as a drop zone (free drop) between the 18th green and the cart path (east of the tree). Mike is going to mark this off with a white circle. This is a free drop if you find yourself with the issue of being in the golf cart parking lot. This is for all events and matches.
Want to get together with your golf buddies during the winter? How about breakfast the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Benny’s on 27th Street at 8:45?
Dates are 12/20/22, 1/17/23, 2/21/23, and 3/21/23.
Let Ken know by Sunday, 12/18 if you’d like to attend 12/20 so he can give Benny’s a count.