Evergreen Tee Times
Below are the details and tee times for the Evergreen event this Sunday. We are playing the North/South track from the white tees. If you have any questions please email tournaments@gpmc.us
Format: Stroke Play (net team score)
Cost: $45(includes skins) - Bring cash or check payable to GPMC. Riding carts can be rented at the pro shop for $5.
Flights: A - 16 and under B - 17 and over
Putt everything out, no gimmes. If after your 9th stroke, the ball is still in play, pick it up and mark 10 for that hole. A collared shirt and non-denim pants are required.
Team 1 - 9:00am
Erik Bronson
John Becker
Bill Becker
Mike Steffes
Team 2 - 9:10am
Jerry Barbian
Dan Carlson
Brian McKinley
Blind Draw
Team 3 - 9:20
Joe Kubacki
Ryan Olen
Mike Tomsevics
Larry Kleineider
Team 4 - 9:30
Joe Stray
Mark Olen
Joe Switalski
Chris Christianson
Team 5 - 9:40
Dales Somers
Ross Hartung
Bob Freuck
Cary Schmidt
Team 6 - 9:50
Paul Gorecki
Mike Bremmer
Bob Gerszewski
John Lange
Team 7 - 10:00
Auggie Gerschwiler
Lyle Teskie
Paul Jonas
Jack Walfoort