Club Championship Results

Champion results

-Congrats to the NEW gross club champ, Todd Martinez, Son of Mr. And Mrs. Martinez. Father to little Martinez. Husband to Mrs. Martinez… 4th Duke of Greenfield WI, 2nd to the Earl of whatever St Greenfield. Feel like we should have like a club family crest and sword to hang in the clubhouse. $50.00

-Runner up for gross is Cary Schmidt. As stated in a fine piece of cinema, Talledega Nights, “if you ain’t first, you’re last” (joke man, nice job). $30.00

-Congrats to the Net Champ, Auggie Gersweiller, Husband to Judy, Earl of unladen swallows world wide, Duke of the 4th ward of Cudahy…. ok, I am out of stupid royalty jokes. $35.00

-Runner up for net is Gerry Loga, master of grandkids everywhere. Father’s Brother’s Newphew’s Cousin’s former roommate to Don Majkowski. $20.00

Day2 - $6.00 each

A Flight

Close in 1 - Hole 17 - John Lange

Close in 2 - Hole 11 - Jack Walfoort

Longest Drive - Hole 12 - Chris Kiehl

B Flight

Close in 1 - Hole 5 - Mike Johnson

Close in 2 - Hole 13 - Ed Simmons

Longest Drive - Hole 16 - Mike Johnson

Longest Putt - Hole 18 - Ed Simmons

Skins Day 2

A FLight $18.00 each

Hole 12 - Chris Kiehl

Hole 13 - Chris Christianson

Hole 14 - Dan Carlson

B Flight $8.00 each

Hole 6 - Dale Somers

Hole 8 - Jerry Barbian

Hole 9 - Jerry Barbian

Hole 11 - Mike Johnson

Hole 14 - Auggie G.

Hole 16 - Auggie G.

Hole 18 - Ed Simmons