2024 Ives Grove Tee Times

Colored ball event is this Sunday 09/08 at Ive’s Grove.  We will be playing the red/white course from the yellow tees. The name of the game is to bring the bring the yellow ball back as a team.  The first hole, the highest handicap person plays the ball, the second hole is the second highest handicap, third, etc.  Rinse and repeat until hole 18. The team sccore used will be the net yellow ball score and the best next net from the team (2 scores).  If the ball is lost, it will be the 2 best net scores.  However, priority is given to the yellow ball.  If you aren’t in the hole in 10, mark it as a 10 and pick up.  

***I will have the scorecards done in order of the ball.

Cost is $33.00 to walk (paid to myself in the restaurant area (cash/check)), $2.00 for skins - please try to bring exact change for this as it’s hard to break bills early in the morning/chase people down later to give change), you can just pay 35 in one lump; Carts are $18.00 paid directly to the clubhouse.

Hole Events (based on the scorecard handicap number)

A Flight (15.9 and under)

Close in 1 - Hole 8 white (17)

Close in 2 - Hole 4 red

Longest Drive - Hole 5 red

B Flight (16.00 and over)

Close in 1 - Hole 3 red

Close in 2 - Hole 3 - white (12)

Longest Drive - 7 white (16)

Longest putt 18 everyone.

Tee times/Teams - Ive’s does a 7.5 minute spacing, so one tee time is 7 minutes and the next is 8, then it goes back to 7. The system only lets me do even times, so yes, these show as 7 minute and are going to look wonky, I did not really have a way to change this in BlueGolf.

Team 1 - 900AM

John Frackowiak

Candy Espinoza

Mike Bremmer

John Becker

Team 2 - 907AM

Al Hoover

Dan Carlson

Bernie Raml

Gerry Loga

Team 3 - 914AM

John Haeflinger

Mike Steffes

Jack Fleming

Mark Thiry

Team 4 - 921AM

Mike Colloton

Ross Hartung

Russ Grabczyk

Jerry Barbian

Team 5 - 928AM

Cary Schmidt

Chris Kiehl

Bill Becker

Joe Switalski

Team 6 - 935AM

Bob Freuck

Joe Stray

Todd Martinez

Mike Benes

Team 7 - 942AM

Auggie G.

Dale Somers

John Lange

Brian McKinley

Team 8 - 949AM

Bob Olen

Mark Olen

Mark Boals

Chris Christianson

Team 9 - 956AM

Mike Tomsevics

Larry Kleineider

John Egli

Jack Walfoort

Team 10 - 1003AM

Ken Lauffer

Mike Johnson

Jeremy Zuvich

Glen Edman

Team 11 - 1010AM

Doug WRuck

Erik Bronson

Joe Kubacki

Bob Gerszewski